GetFEM  5.4.4
getfem::omp_distribute< T, thread_policy > Class Template Reference

Use this template class for any object you want to distribute to open_MP threads. More...

#include <getfem_omp.h>

Inherits od_base< T, global_thread_policy >.

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename thread_policy = global_thread_policy>
class getfem::omp_distribute< T, thread_policy >

Use this template class for any object you want to distribute to open_MP threads.

The creation of this object should happen in serial, while accessing the individual thread local instances will take place in parallel. Use thread_policy to either distribute the objects between physical threads or a fixed number of partitions, independent of the number of threads. If you change the default policy, remember to also use this_thread() and num_threads() from the corresponding policy for iterating over the thread-specific components.

Definition at line 325 of file getfem_omp.h.

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